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Rhodes to Milsons Point

This is a very interesting 27 kilometre ride. Start from Rhodes Train Station, and ride south on Blaxland Road. Cross at the traffic lights on Concord Road, and immediately proceed up the pathway to the right, which runs parallel to Concord Road. Near the crest of the hill, follow the bike sign to the left then, at the bottom of the hill, turn right into Killoola Street. Take a left into Fremont Street, right into Hospital Road and then left into Nullawarra Avenue.
At the first roundabout go left into Norman Street, and follow the road into Majors Bay Road. At Archer Street follow the cycling sign to the left indicating 'Five Dock City'. At the next intersection proceed right into Lancelot Street, then right into Smythes Street, and immediately left into Ellis Street. Take a left into Brewer Street and enter Edwards Park to the right. Follow the path and signs through Greenlees Park, Jessie Stewart Reserve and Queen Elizabeth Park. In the middle of Queen Elizabeth Park, follow the sign to the left. At Broughton Street go left, then right into Stanley Street. Ride down Stanley Street and enter St Lukes Park opposite Concord High School. When the pathway reaches the canal turn left, then turn right onto the pathway on Lyons Road West.
Ride past Barnwell Park Golf Club and, at the second roundabout, go right into Harris Road, then take a left into Henry Street. At Great Northern Road proceed to the pedestrian crossing and enter Barnstaple Road. This will take you to Henley Marine Drive where you can enter The Bay Run to your right. Ride around the foreshore until you reach Victoria Road on the southern side of Iron Cove Bridge. Proceed right to the first set of traffic lights and cross to the other side. From here you ride on a shared pathway, but be careful to watch for the pedestrians. Continue all the way down Victoria Road then take the path towards Anzac Bridge.
When you get to the far end Anzac Bridge take a hard right and go down to Bank Street. Cross to the path on the other side and, when you come to the first block of apartments, turn left and ride down to the foreshore. Just follow the pathways along the shore until you arrive at Pyrmont Bridge. At the far end of the bridge go to the right, then take the raised walkway to Market Street. Turn left into the bike lane on Kent Street and ride up to the corner where cars turn to cross the Harbour Bridge. Cross to the other side with the dedicated bicycle lights, turning right onto the path to Observatory Hill. To the right on Upper Fort Street is an outdoor gym. Enter the harbour bridge cycling lane and ride to Milsons Point at the northern end of the bridge to catch a train.
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