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Artarmon to Naremburn Ride
Artarmon to North Sydney Loop Ride

Artarmon to Naremburn Ride
The ride from Artarmon to Naremburn and back is an easy 7.5 kilometre ride along bushland pathways, under bridges and motorways.
Begin at Weedon Street Artarmon, ride down the marked path and cross Smith Street, continuing past homes set in bushland, surrounding Flat Rock Creek. Take the track left around Artarmon Reserve, and go under Gore Hill Freeway. At Fleming Park ride up the hill to the right and join Willoughby Road. Continue to the shops where there are many cafes and bakeries to have a drink and something to eat.
Ride across the walkway to the other side of the freeway and turn right. At Merrenburn Avenue, go left to the traffic lights on the corner of Brook Street. Cross to the path on the other side and go right, down the path on Marks Street. At Hamilton Avenue go right then left into Palmer Street. Almost immediately turn left into Hamilton Lane, which joins Quarry, West, Dawson and Market St East, ending at a cul-de-sac. The pathway back through Flat Rock Creek is straight ahead.
Go through the tunnel under Flat Rock Drive, past the baseball field, and through another tunnel under Willoughby Road. At Fleming Park go right and head back to where the ride started.
If you would like an alternative to this, you can take the Artarmon, Crows Nest, Cammeray, North Sydney loop ride of about 14 kilometres.
Artarmon to North Sydney Loop Ride

Begin at Weedon Street and go down Cordia Way as before, cross over onto Willoughby Road at Naremburn shops and continue towards Crows Nest. After going through the lights at Chandos Street, take the next left into Chandos Lane, ride to the end and turn left into Matthews Lane. From there take the narrow path into St Thomas Rest Park, a cemetery dedicated in 1848, and the site of the first burial ground on the North Shore. Also here is Sexton Cottage Museum, a local history museum, housing research resources on the history of St Thomas' Cemetery and those interred there.
Continue the ride heading north along West Street and at the round-a-bout, go right into Amherst Street, and through the lights at Miller Street. Amherst will become Cammeray Road and, at the junction of three roads, go right into Grafton Street which will become Earle Street. Go into Young Street, the second on the right. At Sutherland Street go right again. At Park Avenue next to Cammeray Golf Club go left along the cycle path and continue right into Ernest Street. At the next lights cross over to Merlin Street. To your right is the entrance to a shared bridge over the Warringah Expressway and at the lights, cross over to St Leonards Park. At the other end of the park, go right at Ridge Street, and right at West Street, and ride all the way to Palmer Street and go left.
Near the bottom of the hill go right into Hamilton Lane. Follow the road until, at the cul-de-sac on Market Street East, you enter the Flat Rock Creek Track. Go through the tunnel under Flat Rock Drive, past the baseball field, and through another tunnel under Willoughby Road. At Fleming Park go right, under the motorway and along Cordia Way to where you began.
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