Empire of the INCAS
A Society and Civilisation of the Past
For nearly 100 years, the INCAS rules the largest empire in South American history. The Incas had a society based on community and co-operation, with power controlled firmly by the Sapa Inca and the royal family. They were brilliant engineers, constructing magnificent forts and cities, and built roads, tunnels and bridges through mountains. Medical and surgical techniques were highly advanced, as were observations of the sun, moon and stars. But, above all, their devotion to the Gods was paramount. Invasion by Spanish Conquistadors in the early 1500s began the demise of the Incan Empire. This programme was filmed on location in Peru, Bolivia and Chile.
The origin of the Incas - The structure of Incan society -How men and women lived - How they were governed - Their rights and freedoms - Contact with other cultures - Religion and beliefs - Significant people and events - The cultural legacy they left behind
SENIOR: History - Society and Culture
JUNIOR: History - SOSE - Australian Syllabus History: Level 8 Year 8 & NSW Stage 4
SENIOR: An ancient society of South American
JUNIOR: Study of an ancient society
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00:00 Introduction
2:28 Empire Builders
6:57 Social Structure
10:43 Inca Engineering
14:55 Everyday Life
22:14 Art & Technology
26:51 Religion
30:52 Spanish Invasion
32:59 Cultural Legacy