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Lidcombe to Prospect Reservoir

This is a really good 45 kilometre ride from Lidcombe to Prospect Reservoir and back.
We parked the car in Melton Street North, went across the footbridge and rode north along the pathway on Adderley Street. Be careful while crossing. At the intersection of Adderley and Junction Streets you will see the entrance to Duck Creek Cycleway. The path goes over the M4 Motorway and continues under it. At the end of this pathway keep turning to your right towards Woodville Road. You will know you are going in the right direction if The Vauxhall Inn is on your left.
Proceed along the footpath and go right into Wallace Street, then right at Union Street, left at Boomerang Street and right at Randle Street. Randle Street becomes Railway Terrace and you will enter a shared pathway next to the railway lines. Travel through Merrylands and Guildford where you can always get something great to eat and drink. After riding past Guildford Station go up a long hill. At the top, to your right, is a walkway next to the water pipelines. From here, for the next 10 kilometres, you follow the well-marked directions to Prospect Reservoir.
When you reach the lights at the Prospect Highway follow the shared pathway to the top of the reservoir overlooking a picnic area. Ride down and take the first right turn to the best view of the dam. To return to your starting point just retrace your journey.
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